Balloon Dress and Costume Competition Rules 2024:


·      These competitions will be two separate competitions this year.  One exclusively for dresses and the other competition for costumes.

·      All competitors must be ready for the parade and in the competition area 15 minutes before the scheduled time.

·      All entries must be G-rated, Family Friendly & No Swearing (Determined by Bling Bling Staff.)

·      All Competition pieces must have a minimum of 80% inflated balloons. (Does not apply to Stage Competition)

·      Face /Body Paint and other accents for the competition piece is allowed but will not be considered as part of the judging process.

·      All competitors are responsible for supplying their own models, if necessary, for the Costume and Dress Competitions.

·      Judges Procedural Changes and Criteria are new this year.  Please read the Judges Procedural Changes in the General Competition Rules,  (4 Judging Criteria & Additional Criteria for Dress & Costume) especially if you are competing.

·      People’s Choice: Enter your voting ticket during the Dress and Costume Competitions.

The Dress and Costume Competition this year will be on stage.  Each competition piece will be judged when on stage.  People's Choice voting will follow immediately after the competition.  Everyone else who wants to be in the Parade and not compete:  Put on your costume or dress after the competition to walk down Freemont St.

·      * ALL GENERAL COMPETITION RULES APPLY.  (Please read all general rules.)

·      ** Refer to TOP DOG rules for eligibility.


Balloon Competitions

*All competitions are In-Person


Competition Changes 2024

New This Year!


Returning this year:  Balloon Dress Competition:

Dress and Costume Competitions are 2 separate competitions.

(See Dress and Costume Competition Rules)


New CompetitionBalloon Entertainer

Line Work / Restaurant Balloon Entertainer

(See Timed Competitions)


Peoples Choice Changes to Ticket Voting:

(See General Rules Competition Rules for voting changes.)


Judges Procedural Changes:

Judges will be scoring individually this year.

Judges will now score competitors on specific criteria.

Note: If you are competing, please read this section to see what the judges will be looking for!

(See General Competition Rules)

Competition categories are in 2024

1.   Small Inflated Balloon Sculpture Competition

2.   Medium Inflated Balloon Sculpture Competition

3.   Large Inflated Balloon Sculpture Competition

4.   Hairband Competition

5.   Stage Competition

6.   Dress Competition

7.   Costume Competition

8.   TOP DOG COMPETITION (overall top competition winner)


**Please sign up for all competitions at the registration desk, as space is limited. (First come first serve basis.)

Recap from Bling Bling Jam Competitions 2023 with last years theme!

Additional Criteria for Dress and Costume 2024

Wear Ability:

Models are able to move and walk easily.

Models do not look awkward moving and walking.


Additional Criteria for Stage and Balloon Entertainer


Presented well & clear


Engaging with the audience

Entertainer’s Enthusiasm and Enjoyment during performance


·      People’s Choice Tickets

·      When voting for People’s Choice, you will receive a ticket for each category, just before the voting begins.  Check schedule for voting times.

·      Your registration number will be added to the ticket.

·      On each ticket you must cast 3 votes for your favorite competition/sculpture. (The order does not matter.)

·      On each ticket there must be 3 Different votes.  (No double voting.)

·      If any ticket does not have 3 votes, or if any votes are the same number, the ticket will be deemed invalid.

Entry procedure for Small, Medium and Large Sculpture Competitions 2024:


·      Bring your competition piece to the registration desk at the designated time frame, where you will receive a tag for your competition piece.

·      The competition piece will then be measured and verified for eligibility.  (size, bling, percentage of balloons)

·      You will place your competition piece where directed and a Bling Bling Jam staff member will place the tag on it or in front of the sculpture.

·      Once competition piece is entered, it cannot be touched.  (Any repairs will be allowed 10 minutes prior to judging.)

·      Only Bling Bling Jam staff can touch or move the competition piece after it has been entered.  (With the competitor present)

·      You will be given 2 minutes prior to judging, to turn on any mechanical/electrical/lighting device for your entry.

·      Small, Medium and Large competition pieces must stay in place and not moved till the end of the convention.

·      Once a competition piece has been submitted/entered; the piece or any part of the piece may not be re-used into any other competition category.

·      Bling Bling Jam Staff will verify eligibility once your competition piece has been submitted. (Size, Percentage of inflated balloons, insuring piece is appropriate for audience, etc.)

Top Dog Award Calculations 2024

Top dog is calculated on a point system.








 MANDATORY entry into ALL of the following competitions is required:

1.   Small Inflated Balloon Sculpture Competition

2.   Medium Inflated Balloon Sculpture Competition

3.   Hairband Competition (Balloon)

4.   Stage Competition (Balloon)

AS WELL AS A MANDATORY entry into ONE of the following competitions:

1.   Dress Competition

2.   Costume Competition

3.   Large Inflated Balloon Sculpture Competition


·      Even though it is mandatory to enter into only
ONE of the following competitions:  Dress, Costume or Large Sculpture.  You may enter into 2 or 3 of them, increasing your chances to win the Top Dog Award.

·      To qualify for Top Dog Competition,
you must be Fully Registered and meet all the requirements for Bling Bling Jam.

You must attend the Awards Ceremony 2024 to qualify for Top Dog Competition.

·      Top Dog Winner may be considered for a teaching spot at the 2025 Bling Bling Jam.

·      Winner of the TOP DOG (overall top competition winner) score will be tallied by Bling Bling Jam official Judges/Staff.


Hairband Competition 2024:

10 - Minute Timed Competition


·      Only ONE person can make the sculpture (their name is entered)

·      Competitors are required to bring their own supplies for the competition. All supplies are on the table in front of you.

·      Sculpture to be inflated and built only during the prescribed 10-minute timeframe.

·      When the time is complete, all competitors must put their hairband on their heads immediately. (No adjustments or additions allowed after the 10-minute timeframe.)

·      Hairband competitors must wear their hairband creations and stay in the area until judging is complete.

·      Judges Procedural Changes and Criteria are new this year.  Please read the Judges Procedural Changes in the General Competition Rules, especially if you are competing.

·      People’s Choice: Enter your voting ticket immediately after Hairband Competition

·      * ALL GENERAL COMPETITION RULES APPLY. (Please read all rules.)

·      *** Refer to TOP DOG rules for eligibility.

Stage Competition Rules 2024:


·      There is no theme for the stage competition this year.

·      Your performance must not exceed 7 minutes.  If the performance exceeds this time, your act will be removed from the competition.

·      Your performance must include balloons.

·      Although there is no maximum of balloons required in this competition… this is a balloon convention and as such, judges will consider how balloons are incorporated into the performance.  As well as a balance of balloon use.

·      All entries must be G-rated, Family Friendly & No Swearing. (Determined by Bling Bling Staff.)

·      Competitors are responsible for supplying their own music.  (Check ahead of time with the music coordinator for the format required.)

·      One or more performers are allowed in the act, however only one name is entered.

·      All competitors must be in the competition area 15 minutes prior to competition.  (Competitors must ensure they have all their appropriate equipment for their performance.)

·      Judges Procedural Changes and Criteria are new this year.  Please read the Judges Procedural Changes in the General Competition Rules (4 Judging Criteria & Additional Criteria for Stage Competition) Especially if you are competing.

·      People’s Choice: Enter your voting ticket immediately after Stage Competition.

·      * ALL GENERAL COMPETITION RULES APPLY.  (Please read all general rules.)

·      ** Refer to TOP DOG rules for eligibility.

Adult Balloon Competition 2024

For this competition you need to be at least 18 years old or above.  (Or parental supervision)
The rules will be determined at the event, so come with an open mind and lots of creativity.

Small Sculpture Competition Rules (Inflated) 2024:

BLING is Mandatory


·      All sculpture pieces must fit into a maximum area of 12 in X 12 in X 12 in.  (No squeezing allowed.)

·      Any entry piece that has balloons outside the size area will not be entered into the competition.

·      All sculpture competition entries must be brought to the competition area between _________ and _________ on _________.

·      BLING must be included in your competition piece.

·      DEFINITION OF BLING:  Anything that is…. shiny, reflective, glimmers, glitters, sparkles, twinkles, shimmers, stars, jewels, gems, etc.  Non-shiny items may also be considered Bling: Example: feathers, material, stickers, sticker eyes, etc.

·      To qualify your small, medium or large competition piece it must contain BLING:  Make the Bling visible and obvious for the judges and others to see.   We want your competition piece to shine, but don’t go overboard.  Keep it tasteful, yet shiny.

·      Bling is only a requirement to enter the competition piece, judging will be on the balloon only.

·      Judging Procedural Changes and Criteria:  Please read the Judges Procedural Changes in the General Competition Rules, especially if you are competing.

·      People’s Choice: Enter your voting ticket at __________.

* ALL GENERAL COMPETITION RULES APPLY. (Please read all general rules.)

** Refer to:  Entry procedure for Small, Medium and Large Sculpture Competitions above.

*** Refer to TOP DOG rules for eligibility.

     In the case of a tie, Judges will determine one official winner for Top Dog.

Medium Sculpture Competition Rules (Inflated) 2024:

BLING is Mandatory


·      All sculpture pieces must fit into a maximum area of 36 in X 36 in X 36 in.  (No squeezing allowed.)

·      Any entry piece that has balloons outside the size area will not be entered into the competition.

·      All sculpture competition entries must be brought to the competition area between _________ and _________ on _________.

·      BLING must be included in your competition piece.

·      DEFINITION OF BLING:  Anything that is…. shiny, reflective, glimmers, glitters, sparkles, twinkles, shimmers, stars, jewels, gems, etc.  Non-shiny items may also be considered Bling: Example: feathers, material, stickers, sticker eyes, etc.

·      To qualify your small, medium or large competition piece it must contain BLING:  Make the Bling visible and obvious for the judges and others to see.   We want your competition piece to shine, but don’t go overboard.  Keep it tasteful, yet shiny.

·      Bling is only a requirement to enter the competition piece, judging will be on the balloon only.

·      Judging Procedural Changes and Criteria:  Please read the Judges Procedural Changes in the General Competition Rules, especially if you are competing.

·      People’s Choice: Enter your voting ticket at __________.

* ALL GENERAL COMPETITION RULES APPLY. (Please read all general rules.)

** Refer to:  Entry procedure for Small, Medium and Large Sculpture Competitions above.

*** Refer to TOP DOG rules for eligibility.

Large Sculpture Competition Rules (Inflated) 2024:

BLING is Mandatory


·      Large Sculpture competitors may start working on their competition pieces in the designated competition area once registration is open on Sunday.   (It is not mandatory to make the competition piece in this area.)

·      All sculpture pieces must fit into a maximum area of 10 ft. X 10 ft. X 10 ft. (No squeezing allowed)

·      The sculpture must also be a Minimum size of 4 ft X 4 ft X 5 ft

·      Any entry piece that has balloons outside the maximum size area or will not be entered into the competition.

·      Any entry piece that does not meet the MINIMUM size area will not be entered into the competition.

·      All sculpture competition entries must be brought to the competition area between _________ and _________ on _________.

·      BLING must be included in your competition piece.

·      DEFINITION OF BLING:  Anything that is…. shiny, reflective, glimmers, glitters, sparkles, twinkles, shimmers, stars, jewels, gems, etc.  Non-shiny items may also be considered Bling: Example: feathers, material, stickers, sticker eyes, etc.

·      To qualify your small, medium or large competition piece it must contain BLING:  Make the Bling visible and obvious for the judges and others to see.   We want your competition piece to shine, but don’t go overboard.  Keep it tasteful, yet shiny.

·      Bling is only a requirement to enter the competition piece, judging will be on the balloon only.

·      Judging Procedural Changes and Criteria:  Please read the Judges Procedural Changes in the General Competition Rules, especially if you are competing.

·      People’s Choice: Enter your voting ticket at __________.

* ALL GENERAL COMPETITION RULES APPLY. (Please read all general rules.)

** Refer to:  Entry procedure for Small, Medium and Large Sculpture Competitions above.

*** Refer to TOP DOG rules for eligibility.

General Competition Rules 2024

(Rules Apply for all Competitions)


·      You must be fully registered at the Bling Bling Jam to be eligible to compete or vote for any competitions.

·      More than one person can create the competition piece but only one name is entered. Except when specified in each category.

·      Competitors must submit only one entry per competition/category.  You CANNOT submit multiple entries in any category.

·      You may submit one entry in every competition/category if you want.

·      All entries must be appropriate for the audience.  
(G-rated, Family Friendly & No Swearing), determined by Bling Bling Jam Staff.)

·      All competition pieces must have a minimum of 80% inflated balloons.  (Does not apply to Stage Competition.)

·      Mechanical/electrical/lighting devices and uninflated balloons are allowed.  (Mechanical/electrical/lighting are not considered part of the judging process.)

·      For each competition category there will be First, Second, Third placements and Peoples Choice. (Except for Top Dog Competition)

·      First, Second and Third placements in each competition will be determined by Bling Bling Jam official Judges.

·      People’s Choice in each competition category will be determined by registered Bling Bling attendees.

·      TOP DOG  (overall top convention competition winner) Score will be tallied by Bling Bling Jam official judges/staff.

·      If any rule for each entry is not met, the competition piece/entry will not be allowed into the competition.


Timed Balloon Competitions 2024

The following Timed Balloon Competitions are NOT part of the Top Dog Calculations:

3 Twist Dog

5 & 10-Minute Sculpture

Balloon Entertainer


Some Timed Balloon Competitions are on the Set-up day (Sunday)

3 Twist Dog Competition 2024

Speed Competition

·      This is a 2 minute timed competition.

·      Winner of the competition has the most number of qualified dogs at the end of the competition. (2 minute)

·      Only one person per entry.  No helpers allowed.

·      Competitors are required to bring their own supplies for the competition.  All supplies are on the table in front of you.

·      Pump or mouth inflation is allowed.

·      No pre-inflation is allowed.

·      All dogs must have 3 loops to form the dog.

·      All dogs are to be inflated and twisted only during the prescribed 2-minute timeframe.

·      Maximum un-inflated amount allowed is approximately 4 inches for the balloon dogs.

·      When the time is complete, all competitors must put their hands up immediately. (No adjustments or additions allowed after the 1-minute timeframe.)

·      Popped or partially popped balloon dogs do not count towards your total.

·      All competitors must stay in the area until counting is complete. Counting will start directly after the 2-minute timeframe is up. (Bling Bling Staff will assign someone to count dogs for each competitor.)

·      Most number of dogs competed wins.  (1st, 2nd & 3rd Awards)


·      ***This competition does not count towards Top
Dog Award.

5 and 10-Minute Sculpture Competitions 2024

Timed Competition


·      The 5 and 10-minute sculpture competitions are two separate competitions.

·      Only ONE person can make the sculpture (their name is entered)

·      Competitors are required to bring their own supplies for the competition. All supplies are on the table in front of you.

·      Sculpture to be inflated and built only during the prescribed 5 or 10-minute timeframe.

·      Mechanical/electrical/lighting devices and un-inflated balloons are allowed.  (Mechanical/electrical/lighting devices are not considered part of the judging process.)

·      No pre-inflation is allowed, or assembled inflated or un-inflated balloons.

·      When the time is complete, all competitors must put their hands up immediately. (No adjustments or additions allowed after the timeframe.)

·      People’s Choice: Enter your voting ticket immediately after 5 & 10-Minute Competition. (1st, 2nd & 3rd Awards)

·      * ALL GENERAL COMPETITION RULES APPLY. (Please read all rules.)

·      ***These competitions do not count towards Top
Dog Award.

Balloon Entertainer Competition 2024

(Line Work / Restaurant)


Best Entertainer / Balloon Artist

10 Minutes – 5 People (Adults acting as kids)

One Competitor at a time, on a Stage

·      Before the time is up, you must finish all Balloons (1 sculpture per person) for all 5 people.  All while being Entertaining & Fast, yet still making Nice Appealing Balloons.

·      Only one competitor per entry.  You cannot have an assistant.

·      All competitors must be in the competition area 15 minutes prior to competition.  (Competitors must ensure they have all their appropriate equipment for their performance.)

·      Your performance must not exceed 10 minutes.  If the performance exceeds this time, your act will be removed from the competition.

·      All entries must be G-rated & Family Friendly. (Determined by Bling Bling Staff.)

·      Please read the Judges Procedural Changes in the General Competition Rules: 4 Judging Criteria & Additional Criteria for Balloon Entertainer. (1st, 2nd, 3rd Awards)

·      People’s Choice: Enter your voting ticket immediately after Balloon Entertainer Competition. (Peoples Choice Award)

·      * ALL GENERAL COMPETITION RULES APPLY. (Please read all rules.)

·      ***This competition does not count towards Top
Dog Award.

·      Judges Procedural Changes 2024: 

All judging will be based on the following 4 criteria:

(Costume, Dress, Stage & Balloon Entertainer will have one additional criteria added.)

1 - Wow Factor:

Emotional Impact

Stands out from the Crowd

Goes Above and Beyond Artistic Skill

Skill & Expertise as a Balloon Artist

2 - Concept:





3 - Design:

Overall Artistic Vision

Design Element equally Utilized

Intricate and Detailed

Use of Design Elements such as:

Composition, Proportion, Color, Etc.

4 - Technical Quality:

Mastery of the medium

Correct and Constant use of twists and techniques throughout the balloon sculptures.

Uses multiple skills and techniques

Incorporates complex techniques